September 2, 2008

8 months and I am obsessed with this boy

So here are a bunch of new Oden pictures. I am definitely obsessed with taking pictures of him. He is just so dang cute. I want to make sure I don't miss anything! Some of these pictures are from his 8 month photo shoot, others are just random. He really is getting so big. One of his front teeth is starting to cut through. I hope that explains his recent crabbiness. His new obsession is assisted walking. He will feel around until he finds your fingers and then grab them and expect you to walk him around all day. This was fun for about 5 minutes. Needless to say, anyone who has seen Oden within the last week has had a backache. We did get him a walker yesterday. Hopefully his new bumper car will detour some achy backs.

In other news, we finally planned Oden's baptism. It is going to be the last Sunday in September. His God-parents are going to be Heather and Alex. We are very excited about starting his spiritual future. We are also very fortunate to have so many great people to influence him and teach him about religion. It is going to be a very happy day. Don't worry, I will take plenty of pictures and get them on here ASAP!

Keep your sunny side up!

His first sippy cup! He doesn't quite get it yet.

Smiling in his sleep. priceless.
Trying to roll off the couch. He's crazy!
8 months old. This is one of my favorites.

His first pair of mittens! I had to get them, they were too cute!
Oden and Grandpa Dee Dee. This is a great pic.Handsome boy!

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