September 5, 2008

What's New

Well, he's a little over eight months old now and my how he's grown. It seems like only yesterday I could leave him on the couch, run to taco bell, the bank, and maybe do some grocery shopping, come back and he would be in the same spot. Totally kidding, but to me, the biggest change that I've seen in the little fella is his mobility. It seems like all he wants to do is get up and go. Whether it's rolling around, crawling, or his ultimate favorite, holding on to someones hands and walking, he can't or won't sit still. It's so funny how he cries the minute the old guy behind him gets tired and wants to stop walking. His futile efforts to continually move are squandered quickly by dads back. We work it out though, a little cookie here, some freeze pops when moms not looking, and we're back to smiles. He's so awesome, the way he looks at everything, new tastes, new smells, new touches, it still amazes me the surprise that newness brings to his tiny face. Soon that sense of surprise will give way to the toddler times, but for now, I'll take it. He's getting so big too. He's like a baby elephant. I mean the kid's huge, wearing 9-12 month clothes and growing out of them, the subtle but prevalent requests for more real food, and my arm, oh oh my arm how it hurts from lugging that sack of potatoes around for the last eight months. Papa needs a bow flex. No, I joke, but he's my guy, and I love him so much. I just hope that when I look back, I won't feel as if I missed something. They grow so fast and as Aerosmith says, "I don't wanna miss a thing." I just quoted Aerosmith, it's getting late, I hate that band. Well, in conclusion, time is flying within his development and he is getting more and more like a little person than a baby. I am trying to cherish the times I have with him in his fragile state and generate the most happiness I can for our small but loving family. I am blessed with alot of things, but nothing has prepared me for the joy that Tiff and Odee bring to me. None of this would be possible to enjoy without the love and support of my dolly. She is definitely the backbone of our home and she does a fabulous job of it, keep up the good work. I love you momma..... oh, and that little kid too.

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