September 11, 2008

Quick blog before cleaning time!

This last week has been crazy! He is crawling, no scooting or flopping, CRAWLING! It's been quite an adjustment. We have to be very careful of what we leave within his reach. Even things I think he could never get to, he finds a way. His mood has definitely improved with his increased mobility. If he wants something, he can just go get it! Now I just can't wait until teething is over. He has cut his two front upper teeth, and I believe he is working on molars. Jess thinks that his two front upper teeth look big. He fears big teeth will make Oden look funny. He's funny. If this kid was missing a nose, he'd still be the cutest boy ever! He has mastered his sippy cup! His loves the juice/water cocktails I make for him. He has been resistant to eat 'real food' at dinner time. It's going to be fun trying to break him of that sweet tooth. Well, I have to go clean house now. Anyone want to come help me? door is always open :)

It's the Piano Man!
Here's the bottom ones.
Up close and personal. Sorry I couldn't get a good pic of the top ones.
Two of his favorites = walking and drooling!
Feeding fishes at Dee Dee's. Awesome picture by my cousin Daphne.
Dinner with my wonderful family :)

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