September 29, 2008


Oden was baptised this past Sunday. The ceremony was held at New Life Lutheran Church in Bolingbrook. It was such an awesome experience. Oden was good for the most part. He was so excited about everyone being around, he had a hard time sitting still. While we were at the alter, I was releived when Pastor Carlson grabbed him. A break for me! I was sweating like crazy trying to keep that monkey still. The best part was when our Pastor walked Oden down the aisle and the congregation sang "Jesus loves the little children". It was just one of those moments you never forget. After church we had a luncheon at a Tommy Nevin's in Naperville. But not before the photo shoot outside. I sat Oden next to a tree in his adorable white outfit, stepped back to take a picture as he dived into the dirt! AHHH! Oh well, boys will be boys. The lunch was also nice. It was neat to have all our parents in the same room at one time. Overall, it was a great, unforgettable day. Thank you to all of our parents and grandparents who came to support us. For those of you that weren't there, I will be sending out announcements soon (so you can see him in his white cuteness). I didn't get many pictures throughout the day so .... if anyone has pictures from the ceremony/lunch I would love to have them. Let me know or you can just e-mail them, if you have a chance. THANKS!

Oden's Godfather Uncle Alex

Oden's Godmother Auntie Heather

Wrestling with Oden for a good picture!


Who's trying to feed me lemons for lunch?!?!

Exhausted from the days events.....

Playing in the backyard at home

Yes....assisted walking is still his favorite.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh my goodness he is cute! And so big!!! I can't wait for the holidays so I can see you all again!