August 26, 2008

Fun in the Sun

This weekend we took our first family trip to the city. We went Saturday, and it turned out to be a great day for an adventure. It started out slightly hotter than I would've liked, but then the clouds rolled in and we were blessed with a slight breeze. We started our day at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Jess was a little disappointed in the selection of animals on display. I am willing to compromise the weak animal show for the scenic background. I love our Chicago! Oden didn't really pay attention to any of the animals. He was just happy to be outside moving around. After a mini picnic and a while walking around, we decided to walk to the beach. It is the same route my dad and deb used to take me and my sisters on when we were little. After our hike over Lake Shore Dr., we finally hit the sand. I was not at all prepared for the beach. I had envisioned Oden just dipping his feet in the sand and being done. But, we decided to go down to the water and let him play. HOLY MESS! You don't realize that sand gets everywhere! The mess was worth Oden's pure enjoyment in this new place. He loved the sand and the water. We held his hands and let him trounce through the wet sand and water. Then, we set out the picnic blanket and let him play in the sand. It was adorable how he tried so hard to keep the sand in his little hand. He would look at him hand as if to say, "Hey! Where did it go?" He repeated this for a long time. Then Jess rinsed him off in the lake. I did my best to clean the sand out of Oden and our stuff. That was awesome since I didn't bring one towel. After that we hiked back to the car, exhausted from hauling strollers and a baby all day, and drove Home Sweet Home. It was a great day with my boys. :)

Looking for some animals
"Super baby! He's the superest baby!" - Jess always says that.

Our mini picnic in the flower garden.

I'm thirsty, can I just have one sip?!

Loving the water

Cutest beach baby ever!

Showing him how to play with sand.
Family sandy toes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my God! he is so dang cute !!!! I love these updates, you have a great way of sharing your adventures with us! Can't wait to see you guys and squeeze him! Love ya!