August 5, 2008

7 month pictures and random news

We have teeth people! Oden cut his two bottom teeth this past week. There are two little slits where and one little tooth is barely popping through the top of one. We're so excited! You can see him hurt himself sometimes when he is chewing on his hands. He pulls his hand out of his mouth with a quickness and makes the hurty face.

Oden also started clapping on Sunday. All we have to do is show him how, and he puts his hands together like he's known how to clap forever. It's so cute. He loves to show off too! His first performance was in front of an audience. Perhaps he's a natural born performer? Only time will tell....

Other then that, he has started eating weird baby foods. Yesterday he had Macaroni and cheese dinner, and the day before was Chicken and Broccoli. WOW, that stuff smells gross! He absolutely loves it! At this point, I think he'll eat just about anything.

Tonight Oden and I attended our first Chuck E. Cheese party. He was an angel of course, and was so amazed by all of the new sights. He still loves to watch everything so attentively.

Here are some of his 7 months pictures. He is getting so strong. Everyone says he should be crawling anytime now. I hope so!
Baby Hercules!
Mommy's cutie
Baby Monkey
Waking up from a nap
MOM! Can't I get a second to wake up!

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

That's so awesone! He is getting big! Chaela still doesn't have any teeth, but I'm hoping for the bottom two before she turns 10 months (she turned 9 mos on Thurs. the 7th). We'll see!