January 28, 2008

My First Blog

Hey everyone! This is my first blog to the web page (Finally!), Tiff will be so proud of me. I just want to take a little bit of space to thank everyone for their help the last 10 or so months. Its been a crazy year but crazy in a good way. I would like to start by extending our deepest gratitude's to both of our families for all the amazing contributions each and everyone made getting the house ready for our new arrival. With out the help of people like Tom, Tiff's dad, who was the first one there with crowbar in hand ready and willing to help me rip out that stubborn tile and his generous know-how with our bathroom endeavors. Also Joe, my dad, with his anything you need attitude, who spent many hours tackling blinds, towel bars, toilet seats, you name it. Tiff's sisters Heather, with her Van Gough like work painting Oden's bedroom, Nicole, Stephanie, and Sara for their strong arms and healthy legs getting us moved in. My Step mom Laura for her organizational skills and her great taste. Tiff's Step mom deb for her special attention cleaning our many messes. My brother Alex for taking time to come home from Western for a weekend to get down with a paintbrush. Tiff's Stepfather Mike, for the handy work on the doorknobs, doors, and over-the-range. My mom, for dealing with her "OCD-like" son while he and his lovely lady moved into their house. Tiff's mom for her open-mindedness with the whole situation and her help with the move. My Step dad Scott, for his help getting the laundry room floor in before the washer and dryer came and his carpenter skills with the quarter round. Tiff's brothers Michael and Marshall for their tetris like skills packing and unpacking the vehicles during move in day. My sisters Maggie and Olivia for organizing and opening things up in Oden's room. To my Uncle Dave and his tireless efforts and countless hours he spent putting our beautiful laminate floor in. And to my buddy Jake for spending a whole Saturday busting his tail to help me paint. And to everyone else that I may have forgotten your support and love is so wonderful. Okay, whew! I would also like to give everyone who was with us for the birth of our amazing son Oden Joseph a big high five and a pound it. All the visitors we had in the hospital and our house the following weeks really shows that we are cared for and loved. Thank you to everyone that was there for us in this amazing last year.

With that being said, I want to also take some time to thank my amazing mate Tiff for being the woman she is. A beautiful, supportive, loving, caring, amazing girl. A great mom to her son, who spends hours and hours just watching him and tending to his needs. While always remembering that I'm a big baby too and takes care of making me feel special. Your a great person Tiff and I am lucky to be with someone as brilliant as you. Thanks for being you.

In conclusion, for my first post, this was something I had been dying to do and could find no better forum than our public blog to display my gratefulness for every ones constant support of our new family. So thank you everyone for your time and generosity.

By the way-- I love being a father to our new boy. He's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. With the help of Tiffany I think he will have a wonderful, loving home to grow up in. I can't wait to teach him all the wonderful things of life (cough, cough, sports). Everyday gets better and better, so until next time, today was great but tomorrow will be even better!


Tiffany said...

I'm so glad you were able to take a few minutes out of your crazy day to contribute to our blog. The thank you's are awesome....I don't think you forgot anyone. Thanks for the compliments too....I love you lots!

Anonymous said...

We love you all so much - you're both doing a great job with your son - he's amazing! Mom Bellamy

Anonymous said...

This Blogthing is just an awesome experience! It is so wonderful to see you and Tiff doing such a wonderful job with Oden! It has been great getting to know all of your family, Jess! The old cliche of "the apple not falling far from the tree," is meant as an extreme compliment to your parents, stepparents, siblings, and friends!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I left out the most important thing, ODEN ROCKS! He is one special boy! Love, Tom

Aunt Jenn said...

Debbie just told me about this site. It is awesome. I love looking at all the pictures and hearing how well Oden is doing. He is so adorable and growing so fast. Tiff and Jess, you are both doing a wonderful job. I can't wait to visit Oden again. Give him a big kiss for me.
Love, Aunt Jenn