January 4, 2008

We're home!!

I can't believe it's finally over! Over and beginning at the same time. The arrival of little Oden Joesph was amazing, and continues to be amazing everyday. Jess and I are both overwhelmed with a sense pure happiness. He arrived Sunday night at 11:37pm after about 8 total hours of labor. We arrived at Hinsdale Hospital around 6pm and I was 4 cm dialated, then we waited for my IV to hydrate me and I received my epidural around 8:30pm and I was 8 cm dialated at that point. After the epidural (which was as wonderful as everyone said) I started pushing around 11pm and he entered this world screaming only a short time later. We had a little scare with me after birth, but the doctors got everything figured out and I am fine. Jess is a very concerned father. He was so worried about me after delivery that I think he couldn't truly enjoy holding his son for the first time until he knew I was alright. The hospital stay was nice and comfortable. I don't know if that was due to the hospital staff or all of our families around loving us. Probably a little of both. Everyone was so excited to see him for the first time. We had lots of visitors and lots of love. The whole experience was amazing. The worst part was waiting to leave the hospital the last day, that and the car seat!! GRRR!! I hate car seats. The ride home was scary. The roads were bad from the snow and drifts. I was so worried that he was going to scream the whole ride home, but he slept peacefully like a little angel. The last few days have been crazy. The days are great. We have had lots of visitors, lots of smiles, and even more love. We are having a hard time adjusting to the sleepless nights. Right when you think you have a system or a handle on things, he changes it all. Not one night is the same, and it's a lot to handle when your already functioning with a limited amount of sleep. We'll figure it out. So far everything is going great. Jess is working on setting up the new computer, so I will post more pictures when I can load them from my camera. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

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