January 18, 2008

We had an exciting week!

We had quite an eventful week! Monday we had a doctor appointment. Oden is now 8 lbs and 21.5 inches long! He is growing so fast. The doctor said to keep doing what we're doing now because he looks perfect. Then, Tuesday morning his cord finally came off! Thank goodness! That took forever and it looked all dried up and yucky. Jess was at work when it happened so I put the cord in his drawer to surprise him when he got home. It was so funny! Wednesday Oden had his first babysitter. It was only for an hour or so. I ran to Target and Babies'r'us and my mom came over to watch him. It went good, he just slept the whole time. I don't remember what night it was but, Jess and I had our first glass of wine this week. That was nice to sit and relax with each other and our little one. I love family moments! Then today I gave him his first big boy bath in his tub! Up to this point I was just sponge bathing him. He seemed to like it, and it was a lot quicker for me! So overall, we had a pretty good week. He has his crabby moments and will get fussy with us but I think we're handling everything pretty well.

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