January 30, 2008

Just want to say I love our parents!!

Hello everybody! I just wanted to take a few minutes to show my appreciation to all of Oden's grandparents. Without whom, Jess and I would not have ever gotten to this point in our lives. Thank you all for being there for us. Through thick and thin you have stood by us, together and individually. From changing our diapers, to dealing with our teenage years, and our 'rocky' stages, we weren't always the easiest to deal with. Yet through it all you were able to raise two people who feel confident enough to raise a little person of their own. I know that based on our experiences watching all of you, we will do a great job. In addition to the fact that he has great role models. He will look up to you one day and admire all of you like I do. Thank you so much for everything you've done and everything you continue to do. Your love and support means the world!

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