June 2, 2008

Oden's 5 month B-day and other misc. events

Hello everybody!

Sorry it has been longer than usual since I posted last.

We had a great Memorial Day! Jess had the day off so after I worked we went to Grandma and Grandpa Dee Dee's for a little BBQ. We attempted to introduce Oden to a heated pool, since it was pretty hot that day. He was having no part of that! He was very upset, even after a couple of tries. We will just have to keep trying. He'd better learn to like pools! He has two sets of grandparents that have them in their backyards!

Also, Oden had his 5 month birthday! Of course I had a mini photo shoot for him (in his bedroom). He took some really great pictures.

Other than that, I have been trying to keep him busy outside. I want to enjoy it while it's bearable. We have been going on lots of walks and mini picnics. Soon enough it will be hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk!

Oden and Daddy. Oden hates the pool, but LOVES the grass!

Mommy kisses!

He's cute as a teddy bear! (5 month photo shoot)

Standing all by himself! (5 month photo shoot)

Our first picnic. He loves being outside. BTW....do you see that dot on his ear? He has them in the exact same spot on both ears and we just found out yesterday that my Grandma Sophie has the same little dots on her ears. WEIRD!

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