March 16, 2009

Yay for wedding proposals!

Oden had a small part in a wedding proposal over the weekend. On Friday our friend Ian came over and we attempted to take some pictures of Oden holding a sign proposing to our cousin, Jen Hogan. It took quite a while to get a decent picture, but in the end Ian took one that he liked and wanted to use for their special moment. We were flattered to be part of such a special event. So the story goes..... Ian posted the picture on Jen's computer background so when she looked at her computer she took a double take and by the time she looked at Ian he was one one knee with an absolutely gorgeous ring!! She said, "YES!", of course. Ian and Jen are a couple of our favorite people and we wish them all the best. Congrats Jen and Ian!!!

We were trying so hard to get a good pose.
This is the one Ian chose. I'm sooo glad he got one he liked!!

On a less exciting note, we are just loving the warmer weather lately! Finally, a chance to get out of the house and let Oden stretch his legs!! He LOVES being outside. Here are some pictures of a few of our recent days outside.
This day it was still a little cold out, but it didn't phase him at all!
Playing bubbles with Kerri and LaneyDad chasing Oden to the end of the drive, he runs here often."Let me in your car Dad!"Loving the swings at Renwick Park You can't go down that way, silly!

"I am the King of this playground!!"
Just hanging out in the firetruck with Auntie Olivia.

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

That's so cute! And it is AMAZING being able to have them outside isn't it? Chaela loves it, too. She loves any large, open space that gives her room to run away from me. I can't believe how fast they grow.