January 23, 2009

Sorry I've been slacking.....

WOW! It's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. I'm sorry. I have no excuses, just pure laziness (or at least as lazy as you can possibly be with this kid running around!!). I also forgot to post his updates after his last doctors appointment (which was January 6th). So as of then, he was 30 inches tall, and he weighed 22 lb. 10 oz. So, he is doing great. He is starting to talk a tiny, tiny bit. He will say (only when he wants to) things that sound like "Hi Kitty", "Up", and "All Done". He is getting so smart. It's awesome to watch him grow.

Here's a video of Oden playing with Uncle Mikey:

Random picture of Oden sleeping, yes he was actually sleeping like this!! LOL!

Just thought I would mention that I love all of your comments. We haven't been getting many lately so..... maybe if you comment I would be more motivated to post more often?!?! =)

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

He's getting so big! It's fun watching them grow, I think. Chaela used to sleep like that, too, it's so cute! How have things been going with you guys since Christmas? Will and I are still looking for work and a permanent place to live, so that's fun.