January 4, 2009


I still can hardly believe it. My baby boy is a year old. Funny how time flies when you're having fun :)

On Oden's actual birthday, we had a small get together at our house with all of him Grandma's, Grandpa's, Aunt's, and Uncle's. And by small I mean 17 people (He is such a lucky boy). It was awesome watching everyone interact. Our families get along like peas and carrots, and that makes us very happy. So, we hung out, ate pizza, opened a couple huge presents (a basketball hoop, a baby car, and a 4-wheeler), and then ate cake. This was the only time we let him have the opportunity to dig into a cake. I think he liked it, but was full from pizza. It was very cute, and not horrible to clean up. Which I was thankful for. He was the cutest baby birthday boy ever (I am not bias at all).

Then this past Saturday we had a huge party for him at Brunswick Zone in Romeoville. Everyone was able to bowl or play games, and have a great time. Oden was such a good boy all day. I planned the party for the perfect time of the day, which was after nap time. I only saw him here and there, he really let everyone hang out with him. It was awesome. Thank you for everyone who came out for Oden's big day(s). He is so loved, and we are so blessed to have all of you in our lives. Sorry that I didn't post more pictures. But as you can probably imagine, I had quite a few to choose from. Please let me know if you have any good ones from the parties, you can never have too many memories :)

Birthday morning, still in jammies. Did you notice his mohawk is back?!

Playing on his zebraLoving his WonderPets ball pit! Thanks Mags!
Eating PaPa John's!! YUMMY!

Birthday boy, and Birthday Grammy. So sweet.

He didn't know how to blow it out, but he had some help.
I don't know about this....

He loves this little car! I can't wait to play with it outside!

Brunswick party.....getting ready for cake
I love this baby dude!He liked riding this motorcycle

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