July 7, 2008

Missouri 2008

I would just like to say, Missouri was awesome. It was great to see everyone and just relax for a few days. Oden Meeting Great Grandma for the first time was everything we thought it would be. They got along like peas and carrots. He developed some sort of screaming disorder while we were there. He can scream for a half hour straight without skipping a beat. It's my favorite.
Here are some pictures from the trip. These are some of my favorites since I cannot post them all. I have a lot more posted on Facebook. The uploading program there is way better. So if you have access, check them out.
Can't wait until next year!
Oden meeting Great Grandma. Awesome.Chillin in the baby pool.
Celebrating America's b-day with Chaela!
4 generations of greatness!
Loving the start of vacation

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