July 28, 2008

Here's what's new

As I type, Oden is blabbing like a chatter-box. He has successfully mastered the mama and dada indiscriminate jibberish. I can also get him to mock me when I fake laugh. It's hilarious! Other then verbal achievements, he has maintained his mobile skills. He still only inches backwards. Although, he is getting very strong and can stay on his hands and knees for a while before he drops down. It's only a matter of time before he puts it all together. He still needs supervision while sitting up, but that might also be us being overprotective. All I know is, he's bumped his dome pretty good twice now and I'd rather be overprotective than hear that cry.

I am sad to report that the matching mohawks are gone. I know it's only temporary. I just really wanted him to have some pictures of being young with a normal haircut. This way he can't complain about it when he's older. Jess was not too thrilled with the change. After the very first cut down the middle of Oden's hawk he said, "OH NO!" Then was upset about it for a while. He does kind of look like a cancer baby. But, it's only hair and it will grow back! I think after the Holidays we should see the return of the baby hawk.

Still no teeth! He continues to drool like crazy but no sign of those little chompers, He had his first teething biscuit on saturday. All I have to say is HOLY MESS! That stuff is like paste! He enjoyed it though and that's what matters.

Odie will be 7 months old on Wednesday. It's the same day as our 3 year anniversary! Hooray!

Swimming with dad...it was like pulling teeth getting Jess in there!
Playing with 2 Aunties!
Swimmin with mom!
Bye Bye Baby Hawk!

July 14, 2008

Finally SWIMMING!!

That's right......Odie went swimming and actually liked it. Grandma and Grandpa Dee Dee took this pictures when they went swimming with him on Friday. They had to go into the water very slowly. They started on the pool steps, and then slowly worked their way into the pool. He had a great time, and I guess he was splashing himself lots. These pictures don't really do the event any justice. There is also a video, which shows all of the swimming greatness. I will try to get it on here. All I have to say is, "HOORAY!"

July 7, 2008

Missouri 2008

I would just like to say, Missouri was awesome. It was great to see everyone and just relax for a few days. Oden Meeting Great Grandma for the first time was everything we thought it would be. They got along like peas and carrots. He developed some sort of screaming disorder while we were there. He can scream for a half hour straight without skipping a beat. It's my favorite.
Here are some pictures from the trip. These are some of my favorites since I cannot post them all. I have a lot more posted on Facebook. The uploading program there is way better. So if you have access, check them out.
Can't wait until next year!
Oden meeting Great Grandma. Awesome.Chillin in the baby pool.
Celebrating America's b-day with Chaela!
4 generations of greatness!
Loving the start of vacation

July 1, 2008

6 month birthday and doctor visit

Oden went to the doctor today. He weighs 20 lbs., and is 26 inches long. Then of course we had his 6 months shots. EEEKKK!! Actually, he was a very good boy. He was so tough and he only cried a little. Does anyone else have to spend like half a day in the doctors office? It's so annoying to just sit there, especially to let the anticipation of shots build up. Do I sound slightly irritated?!

Oden is 6 months old as of yesterday. So here are some pictures that Jess and I took throughout the day. He is getting more and more handsome by the minute!

We are all headed to Missouri tomorrow night. I am a little afraid of traveling so far with a little baby, but it will be worth it no matter what. To see the look on Great-grandma's face when she sees him for the first time will be priceless.

Odie in his bumbo playing.Laughing at Dad
One of the cutest faces ever! Dr. Shih said he looks like a Gerber baby.
Wearing daddy's new MO hat.
Mr. Grumpy (not really, that shirt is just adorable)