March 17, 2008

Report from the doctor

Oden had a doctors appointment this past Friday. He is doing great! He weighs a little over 12lbs., and is 24 inches long! The doctor said that he is in the 75 percentile for height, and 50 percentile for weight. He also has a pretty big head! He gets that from the Furr side of the family, we have extraordinarily large domes. She checked his little body and said we must be doing something right because he looks great. The little blister inside of his mouth is normal. It's probably from sucking back those bottles that are making him plump. She picked him up for a brief moment and cuddled him, which resulted in hives on the side of his head! Jess thinks the hives were from the paper on the bed, but I think they came from her sweater! They were gone quickly there after so no need to worry. Then came the worst part, his first set of shots. Prior to the event, I didn't think I'd be able to stomach seeing Oden in pain. I had asked Jess to let me step out of the room if I needed to. When the time came, I couldn't do anything except be right by his side. Jess and I were on each side of him, comforting him the best we knew how. He did OK for the first one, but he knew what the second and third were bringing....PAIN! He really wailed for them. I couldn't wait to scoop him up off the table when it was all done. He did alright for the remainder of the morning and early afternoon, he slept for most of it. Then I had to drop him off at Grandpa Tom and Grandma Dee Dee's house so I could work. They reported that he was a little crabby throughout the day. I felt so sad for little Oden. I just made sure to cuddle him more than normal (if that's possible) when we got home, and into the next day. By Saturday, he was still a little moody here are there, but he got through it. Overall, it wasn't the most pleasant experience of my life but I know that it had to be done. I'm glad that it's over for now, and we know what to expect for next time. His next appointment is in 2 months.


Anonymous said...

He is sooooo kissably cute - I can't wait to see him on Friday !!!

Katie said...

He is so sweet, I can't wait to see him and Chaela together for the first time!
Shots are always hard, I still remember my kids getting them and the crying afterwards. A little extra cuddling never hurts!
See you Saturday!