December 11, 2009

Christmas Monkey

As brutal as winter has been already, it has also brought some great Oden moments. This is the first year where we can actually talk to Oden about what's going on and he understands. From Christmas decorations, to the snow outside, he gets very excited about all of these seemingly new things. A couple of weeks ago when it first snowed at night, Oden and I were out visiting friends. We happened to walk outside as it started to snow pretty good and Odee shouted out with glee, "OOOOHHHH!!" To which I replied, "Yeah, pretty snow!" It was such a cute moment. Then I let him touch the powdery snow on our car. He looked and me bright eyed and said, "COLD!" It was such a cute moment. I will never forget it. He is also doing surprisingly well with the Christmas decorations. His only real interest is the Shrek candy canes on the tree. He is pretty much obsessed with Shrek, so when we saw these candy canes at the store I knew he would freak if I even attempted to put them back. I think he appreciated that purchase and my understanding, he held the box all day before we put them on the tree. This Christmas season has already been so exciting and memorable, I cannot wait to see what new memories the coming weeks will bring. I'm not sure if we will be taking him to see Santa this year. Two hours in a line at the mall for a $20 picture of Oden screaming his head off hardly seems worth the effort, or the trauma!! But we will see....

Here are some pictures of Oden in my favorite Christmas jammies ever! My baby monkey in baby Christmas monkey pajamas!!
Oden kissing his Christmas moose.....
.....Oden deciding the moose looks tasty.


Unknown said...

Cute! We've been enjoying that with Chaela, too, but we haven't gotten any snow here yet. Well, we had some, but it didn't stick. :( Oh, well. I want a white Christmas, but I'd be happy if it warmed back up to like 65 or 70 after the New Year!

Katie said...

I see you are able to put presents under the tree already! Caitlyn didn't tell you but we can't because Chaela tried to open them! They are on our dining room table for now! He is so cute! Love the jammies!