April 13, 2009

HAPPY EASTER!!! and Happy Birthday Reign!

We hope that everyone had a very Happy Easter!! Our was excellent =) I felt like we were able to visit everyone, and spend quality time, without feeling rushed. It was perfect. Unfortunately, I do not have very many pictures because my camera is on the fritz. It keeps vibrating when it is turned on, which creates blurry pictures. Enjoy the few pictures I was able to take before it got completely ridiculous.

Here's Odee on Easter morning with his present from Jess and I, a Little Tikes barn.Matching Daddy and Oden! So handsome!

Oden and Grandpa Scott.....this was one of my last pictures.
The day before Easter was our friend Reign's 1st birthday party. Here's Reign trying to touch Oden, he wanted no part of that. He just wanted to play with all of her pink toys!!
The babies and me!

Oden lounging in Reign's pink chair. Jess would've died......

I am going to work on sending my camera in for repair this week, so there will be more pictures soon!!


Sarah Joy said...

Hi. I found your blog while I was searching the internet for information about my maiden name, Oden. Your son is adorable! I was just wondering why you chose the name Oden. Its an uncommon first name, so I was just curious.

Sarah Oden Bisciaio

Tiffany said...

Well Hello Sarah! So Oden's story goes something like this: I first heard the name in a movie. I liked it but, never really considered it a favorite. I pretty much forgot about it until my boyfriend and I came across it on a baby names page. In baby books it is spelled Odin. It was a name we both liked and put on a list of possible names. We wanted our son to save an uncommon, strong first name. So we researched the meaning of Odin. In Norse Mythology he is the God of War or the son of the God of War, depending where you look. So then we knew it was a strong name, we just thought the 'i' in it was too feminine. So we decided to change it to an 'e'. We had some resistance from our families but in the end ot is a perfect fit for our little boy. I don't believe any other name would've been right.