December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving AND 11 month pics

Thanksgiving came and went in a flash! It was a wonderful day, and it was great to see so many people that we love. Oden loved all the food. His favorite was mashed potatoes, just like mom. It was a very long day (we left the house at 9:30am and didn't get home until 8pm) with all things considered, Oden was an angel.

It's only one more month until Oden's 1st Birthday! I am sooooo excited. I have started planning the party, and hopefully I can get the invitations in the mail by the end of the week. Can you believe that it has already been a year since he was born? THAT'S CRAZY!!

Christmas cards are in the mail, so look for yours!!!

Our newest family will see it again very soon....
Oden's 1st Thanksgiving, so handsome :)

Just had to include a picture of the turkey bib!

Our 11 month baby boy, just playing.
I swear, I can fit the whole thing in my mouth!!!

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