April 30, 2008

First Trip to the Zoo

Last Tuesday we took our first family trip to the Brookfield Zoo. We woke up in the morning and it looked like it was going to rain on our parade, but it ended up being a perfect day. It was even too hot at times carrying around a 15 pound monkey :) Oden is so interested in everything going on around him. When there is a lot to see, he is a very quiet little boy. While changing a diaper in the grass, we were nearly attacked by a goose! Jess had to chase him off with the stroller! It was quite a sight! Overall, it was a very fun day.

Two Sundays ago, Oden attended his first birthday party. Our friends, Kerri and Paul, had a party to celebrate their daughter, Alayna's first birthday. It was so cute. There were three babies one year old or younger at the party. He was very well behaved and of course, everyone commented on how big he is.

Oden is currently fighting some kind of virus. We took him to the doctor on Monday, she said it just has to run it's course. I feel so bad for him. He is very congested, and you can tell he has a sore throat at times. We are doing everything we can for him, so hopefully he gets better soon! BTW....he is 15 pounds now!

Daddy and Oden is their White Sox hatsFamily photo
Yay! Giraffes!
Oden was on Jess's head laughing hysterically!
Oden and I.....GRRRR...

April 9, 2008

First food

AFTER....all messy!
My smiley boys :)

Jess and I attempted to feed Oden his first baby food this past Monday. It was quite an experience. The best word to describe it is.....MESSY! We fed him squash. He seemed to like it, but he had a bad tummy ache later in the night. Oden also received his first haircut this week. I couldn't stand his long pieces anymore. I used our hair trimmers with the #2 attachment. His hair is more even now, that makes me happy. I did save some of the clippings, in case any grandma's would like to see them. I am going to try and post a few of our pictures from the Picture People on here later in the week.

April 1, 2008

More of our baby dude

Doesn't he look so sweet?Exactly 3 months old in this one!
Check out the shirt...."Daddy's Little Tough Guy"
Playing with Mickey.....Olivia brought him from Disney
I call this one 'fat head'. This hat is sized for a 3 month old baby, and it clearly doesn't even come close to fitting his head!
Hello again! Oden is now 3 months old. I swear he is getting bigger by the day! Only a little while longer and he will be sitting by himself, amoung other things. I can't wait for those days. I also can't wait for the day that he sleeps through the night! I'm dying over here!! I don't have anything else to say....hopefully I can go take a nap :)