June 28, 2009

Baby Hawk is back!!

That's right! We re-hawked Oden's hair yesterday and.....it looks amazing! Just in time for Missouri. Here are some new pictures for ya! He hasn't been doing anything new and exciting lately. We are trying so hard to get him to start talking. When he first started sounding things out about 3 months ago I was so certain he would be talking shortly thereafter. Now here we are, patiently waiting. He will be exactly 18 months on Tuesday and he can say Mama, Dada, Uh-oh, Kittie (kind of), cheese, and he can sound out hot and cold. He has started shaking his head no, which is not fun at all. He's able to differentiate when he wants to say yes by nodding his head or say no but shaking his head. Since he isn't able to communicate with us through words, he is still doing a lot of whining. Like I said, we are patiently waiting with hope he will break through this communication barrier sooner than later!! Other than that, we are leaving for Missouri on Wednesday morning. We are very excited and we will have tons of cute pictures to post when we get back!

First picture after the haircut, you can't really see it that good.

These next three pictures were from when my family was in town a couple of weeks ago. My cousin Daphne took these, she is a dang good photographer!

Typical Oden, running with no destination.

Blowing kisses!!

New family pic!! Thanks Daphne!!

This is just Oden hanging out with his friend Rileigh. Yay for play dates!!

June 8, 2009

Laughing Baby Dude

I just took this video today. It was so cute that I had to upload it right away!

I love laughing babies.

June 3, 2009

A little of this.....a little of that.

This is my attempt to catch-up on sharing pictures of all the fun we've been having lately. He is crazy and keeps us going non-stop, but he is the cutest boy ever! ENJOY!

Feeling sleepy.....
This is his 'cheeeese' face. He will pretty much do it whenever
you ask him, when there's a camera around.

Playing with his girlfriend, Laney.

I might have posted this one already, but it's cute so....no harm done :)
Check out the graphics on this t-shirt! So cute!
We get comments on it all the time. Thanks Grammy!
Papa Joe and Grandma Laura came over with a new toy!! He loves it!!
Now we just have to work on getting the weather to cooperate.
YAY for new toys!! THANK YOU!!
Memorial Day.....jumping with Auntie Heather

No photo is complete without his drooled on clothes!!

Laney pushing Odee on her swing, this lasted for about .02 seconds.
Again with this cheese face, and the drool.