May 26, 2009


I stole this from Mrs. Hair.......

Here's the deal. The first 5 people to leave a comment here will get a homemade gift from me. It doesn't matter if I don't know you. If you're just randomly blog stalking (c'mon, we all do it) and you come across this post and want to be one of the first 5 to leave a comment, go for it! The only catch is that you have to pay the gift forward by reposting this on your blog/Facebook/Myspace. I will check to make sure you've done so. I don't know what the gift will be, but it will be homemade. I'll get it to you sometime this year (but probably sooner than later so I don't have it looming over my head). I don't promise you'll love it, but I'm not going to make you something I think you'll hate, either, because that would be like an un-gift and defeat the entire purpose.

I'm going to adjust it slightly and say it will be a gift made by ODEN AND I!! It will be cute, I promise.

Besides that, I have a lot of really cute pictures to post. It's just finding the time to do so that it going to be the hard part. I will try to do them later this week.

May 13, 2009


This baby dude is growing up so fast! He is not talking yet. His expressions and actions speak so loud right now, he is practically yelling at me all the time! Sometimes I forget that he is a baby, most of the time I treat him like my little friend. He is just so much fun to be around. Oden continues to monkey around daily. I think he might be a professional climber of some sort when he grows up. He is constantly climbing on tables and couches, my heart has skipped quite a few beats because of these antics. He has completely mastered the stairs, which surprises a lot of people. I would say he could go both directions when he was about a year old. We just continued to use gates a barriers to limit his freedom and the chance of an accident. We leave the gate down now and he is awesome by himself. He still loves them, and will go up them all day long if I let him. He also likes to climb around and play IN our cars. We are outside a lot and when he gets bored with his toys he will go to one of the car doors (usually Jess's because he can reach the handle) and make us open the door so he can play inside. Jess will sometimes recline the seats for him, which makes for a baby jungle gym! We have been exploring a lot of the local parks lately, and have found some really neat ones. Being outside is awesome. Here are some new pics from a BBQ we had with Grammy Mary and Grandpa Scott. Oden loved playing with Scott's old, metal Tonka trucks. It was so cute (see the captions below).

He had no interest in playing in the beautiful yard....
Oden was obsessed with these trucks!
He would place them on the deck, knock them into the rocks.....
step down into the rocks to retrieve them, place them in a line on the deck.....then knock them down again. He repeated this game for a long time!

May 3, 2009

Bright, sunshiny days :)

It has been an absolutely beautiful weekend here!! Here are just a few pics I was able to take while we were out playing.

This is a new favorite of mine :)This is not the most sanitary thing he could be doing. But....Boys will be boys!

Action shot!! He loves running in the grass bare-footed.

We're hiding out in the Missouri tent from last year.

So innocent in the morning.......