November 26, 2008

Did I ever mention .....

We heart Jen Hogan!!!


November 25, 2008


I thought I would post a few cute, new pictures before Thanksgiving. I will probably have a gazillion to put up after the Holiday, and I didn't want these to go un-posted.

Lately Oden has been getting very close to walking. He took 5, pretty sturdy, steps yesterday. He is standing like a pro, when he feels like it. Of course, whenever there is an audience he gets stage fright. I hope that he will be walking by Christmas. I will probably regret saying that, seeing how everyone says everything is going to be crazy once he starts walking. I will tell you one thing, this kid is too big to be carrying around all the time!!

Happy Thanksgiving, from our Family to Yours.
A taste of things to come (the planned post-Christmas mohawk)Having a blast in the tub!

Oh, was that my Cheerio? You are too kind....
Doesn't he look so much like Jess in this one?Attempting a cute picture with crabby pants.

November 18, 2008

Oden's new trick

Here are some new pictures for all of you Oden lovers! The last two pictures are of him standing. He can stand by himself for about 30 seconds at a time, or until he gets bored. We are practicing everyday. Hopefully he will be walking soon. He has taken a few steps here and there, but nothing consistent. We will let you know when he starts wrecking everything!


Hey! That's my Bumbo!
Chub-a-chubs standing tall.He gets so excited, he starts clapping while he's standing.
P.S. A monster ate his socks :)

November 10, 2008

Oden cuteness

Hello everyone! Here are some new pictures from the last week or so. I have an adorable video I want to post but I don't know how to rotate it. I would give everyone sore necks if I posted it as is. Does anyone know how to rotate videos?! If you do please let me know. For now, enjoy the pics =)

Oden helping change the time on the giant clock. Luckily we had Ian to help us too!He loves to shut himself in the laundry room. We're not sure why, but it keeps him entertained for at least 10 minutes everyday.Oden playing with his new favorite toy from Stacy and Brian. Thanks guys!
Poe likes the new toy too! Our own baby bartender!

November 3, 2008

Oden's 1st Halloween 2008

Halloween this year was awesome. It was a day filled with visits, smiles, and candy of course. We started our day visiting Grammy Mary at work, then we went to Grandma Kitty's house, then straight to Grandma and Grandpa Dee Dee's, and we ended at Papa Joe and Grandma Laura's. We had to make sure that everyone saw his cuteness! So here are some of the pictures.