October 30, 2008

Oden's new Buddies

This past weekend we added two new members to our family. KITTENS! We adopted a baby girl who is grey and white striped. We named her Poe.Then the next day I decided I wanted another to keep her company. So, Jess let me get a boy persian mix. He said it's part of my early bday present :) He is all white and has blue eyes. We named him Sox. Oden and the cats are getting along famously, though Oden can be rough with them at times. Here is a video where you can see them, and you can see Oden playing peek-a-boo.

Here are the kitties! Poe and Sox.

Jess scaring the crap out of them.

My new favorite picture. HI!

PUMPKINS!Happy Halloweenie!

October 19, 2008

October pics, pumpkin patches, and such

The last week has been awesome. In addition to Oden's daily awesomeness, my friend Jamie was in from Canada! Everyday was either an activity, or catching up on housework and such. She just left this morning :( so I just sat for an hour and organized all of the pictures I've been taking. That was quite a task! So here are some new pictures. I will try to explain them as I post them .... there are quite a few so be patient!

My sister Sarah, Oden's Aunt Sawa, has been getting creative with her photography taking and editing skills. Here are my three favorite that she sent me. I will post more of them later.

Here's Oden brushing his teeth

Sometimes he is just too quick!

Watching Dad fix the closet....and playing with a drum stick.

Here's the start of the Halloween pictures. Grandma Laura bought Oden these cute Halloween shirts. This one is my favorite, for obvious reasons :)

He loves to play with anything and everything that is not supposed to be a toy.

Getting ready for our first Pumpkin Patch.

Johansen Farms - Bolingbrook, IL

Oden and his girlfriends - Reign and Alayna

It wasn't very busy so the awesome guy said we could all go in! So fun. From left to right, I'm holding Reign, Jamie is entertaining Laney, and Kerri is loving Odee.

Oden playing in the hay barn. This is before he was trying to eat that dirty, nasty hay.

Here's Oden in the baby bouncer. He was scared and I took this just before he started to cry. I have very few pictures of him with his mouth closed!

It was a perfect day to be outside.....but a little chilly in the shade.

Babies and hayrides! Love it!

Dollinger Family Farm - Minooka, IL

He was more interested in all the kids running around!


He had his face painted. A pumpkin on one side and a spider on the other. It was soooo cute!

Auntie Stephanie, Odee, Grandma Dee Dee, and me, getting ready for the hay ride!

Oden loving the horses!

October 5, 2008

9 month check-up and pictures

Unbelievable. He's 9 months old already. All I can say is, everyday is a new adventure with this kid, and I love it! He had his 9 month check-up on Friday and he weighs 21.14 lbs. and is 29 inches long. So, he has slowed down, and is no longer is the high percentiles for his growth. The doctor said he is perfectly healthy. She also commented that we must be doing something right because he is such a happy baby. :) yay! Then he got 1/2 of a flu shot (we have to go back for the other half on Halloween). The strange thing is, he woke up the next morning sick! He is so sick right now, and so miserable. He has a cold, I think. He is very congested, and has a runny rose. Our poor little guy can hardly breathe, or so it seems. I feel so bad for him. Hopefully it will clear up soon so he can get back to his normal self. So, being 9 months old has brought on a new trick......grinding his teeth! AHHHH! The sound gives me the goosebumps every time! He started doing it consistently this weekend, and it's driving us crazy! We hope it's just a phase. His other trick is the stairs. If we let him, he would just climb up them all day long. As soon as you turn your back he is headed for them, which is rather scary. We have had to start using the gate more consistently. Oden doesn't need anymore bumps on his noodle. He already has two pretty good ones! I am still working on baptism announcements, but I plan on getting them out this week. Also, we are planning a trip to the pumpkin patch very soon so keep checking back for those pictures.
Can you see his poor bruised temple? :(

HAHAHA! You're trapped!

Trying to stay warm at the football game.

Hanging out with Auntie Sawa (Sarah).
Playing in the closet, wearing daddy's hat.
What a crazy face!