March 24, 2008

Easter weekend

We had a great Easter weekend! Jess, Oden, and I had two days off together and it was wonderful! Saturday we went to Grammy Mary and Grandpa Scott's house. It was very exciting to introduce Oden to more family. We were also able to meet sweetest baby Chaela!! It was so funny to compare their sizes. Oden is much bigger compared to Chaela, who is about 2 months older than him. She is a little doll, and she was so happy the whole day! Oden was the opposite, grumpy all day! It was still so nice to see everyone. Then Sunday, we went to see all of Oden's other grandparents. It was a very full day, to say the least. We were glad that he snapped out of his bad mood by then. He was smiling and being the little sweetheart most of us know and love. I suppose everybody is allowed a bad day every once and a while. For everyone we were able to visit with, it was great to see you all and we hope to do it again soon! For everyone we missed, you were in our hearts and there in spirit! Enjoy the pictures! Oden's first Easter t-shirt
He was fighting with this duck at the table with Uncle Alex. It was adorable!
I love this picture!!
Chaela and Oden.....can you see the difference?!
Me and my favorite baby dude <3>

March 17, 2008

Report from the doctor

Oden had a doctors appointment this past Friday. He is doing great! He weighs a little over 12lbs., and is 24 inches long! The doctor said that he is in the 75 percentile for height, and 50 percentile for weight. He also has a pretty big head! He gets that from the Furr side of the family, we have extraordinarily large domes. She checked his little body and said we must be doing something right because he looks great. The little blister inside of his mouth is normal. It's probably from sucking back those bottles that are making him plump. She picked him up for a brief moment and cuddled him, which resulted in hives on the side of his head! Jess thinks the hives were from the paper on the bed, but I think they came from her sweater! They were gone quickly there after so no need to worry. Then came the worst part, his first set of shots. Prior to the event, I didn't think I'd be able to stomach seeing Oden in pain. I had asked Jess to let me step out of the room if I needed to. When the time came, I couldn't do anything except be right by his side. Jess and I were on each side of him, comforting him the best we knew how. He did OK for the first one, but he knew what the second and third were bringing....PAIN! He really wailed for them. I couldn't wait to scoop him up off the table when it was all done. He did alright for the remainder of the morning and early afternoon, he slept for most of it. Then I had to drop him off at Grandpa Tom and Grandma Dee Dee's house so I could work. They reported that he was a little crabby throughout the day. I felt so sad for little Oden. I just made sure to cuddle him more than normal (if that's possible) when we got home, and into the next day. By Saturday, he was still a little moody here are there, but he got through it. Overall, it wasn't the most pleasant experience of my life but I know that it had to be done. I'm glad that it's over for now, and we know what to expect for next time. His next appointment is in 2 months.

March 11, 2008

Oden's video debut

After several failed attempts, I finally got a video to load! It's not super exciting, I just wanted everyone to see him moving around and smiling :) Sorry that I sound ridiculous in the background. I hope that everyone's baby talk is as funny as mine.

Hope you like it!

March 10, 2008

Baby sweetness

Jess took this picture, it's my new favorite!This outfit looks so cute on himMore tummy time pictures.....they're everyones favorite!

Oden had his 10 week birthday yesterday. It's hard to believe how old he is. He is getting so big and smart. We have started to put him in the crib at night. He sleeps pretty good for about 5 hours, then he's up. When he gets up he will not go back in the crib, I think he doesn't deep sleep after that. So he comes into our bed and in my arms. I am still waiting for the night that he sleeps longer then 5 hours. That will be a great day. I've heard between 3 and 6 months they start sleeping longer. So hopefully soon!!! Other then that, we are getting very excited for his first Easter! We already bought him a cute bunny and I'm ordering him a Bumbo on-line tonight. Two words for you.......spoiled rotten. He's so sweet though, how could he not melt your heart?

March 3, 2008

Blog 2

Hello everyone! This is my second entry to our wonderful blog we've created for our little fella. I can't believe he is nine weeks old. It seems like only yesterday that we were trekking our way through the clustered maze of cars on our rush to the hospital. And it's now only a meer memory, Tiff and her tum, feeling for kicks, or eating till we had to loosen our belts. He's here now, Oden's home. Maybe its me, but I already miss those times of "newborn-babyism." He's so big, so strong, and so smart. It baffles my mind how advanced a baby becomes in nine short weeks. He blossomed from a quiet, fragile, still baby boy into a loud, energetic, smart little boy. I can remember how intriguing I found it when he was able to smile somewhat on cue. Now I am able to get him to smile at any time with a couple of his favorite phrases. He can hold his head up by himself. He's rolled over twice and he's eating small amounts of solid food! Nine weeks! The time seems almost like an illusion when you look at it from the stand point of his development. It's as if it doesn't exist, nine weeks feels like nine minutes. I just know I'm gonna be one of those disheveled parents when it comes time to take him to school the first time, or when I see him off to prom, when I move him into his dorm room. I never want these times to end, I know they must, I just find it amazing how blank his canvas is. Everyday seeing something new or partaking in an event that he has never done or bore witness to. His brand new eyes are viewing everything for the very first time. It makes me think of my childhood and how wonderful it must have been. The gentleness and fragility of new sights, sounds, smells, and touches that every new day brings. Everything he comes in contact with makes him light up with wonder and excitement. That's amazing. At this stage in his life everything is special and new, that must be an incredible feeling to have everyday. I too am getting excited at each new step he advances through. Soon he will be walking and talking, and I can't wait. All in all I have to say that he is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and I think Tiff would echo those setiments as well. We love him so much and our so proud that we were able to create something so precious and wonderful.

Things are going great on the homefront as well. We're both busy at work, which makes us busy at home, but were both adjusting well. The only thing we find tough is our work schedules; Tiff works days and I work nights. We'll just say we welcome our weekends with open arms. The family's good, work is good, and the house is good. Really not much more you can ask for. Thanks again to all of you who have and will continue to give all of thier love and support. It makes us strong. Well, until next time, today was great but tomorrow will be even better!