February 27, 2008

cute pictures

Hopefully this will be good luck for next Bear's season.
Playing with mom on my tummy :)
Hanging out with my pal Sabrina in my cute robot onesie
Hammin' it up for dad
My buddy Rylan, do you like our matching outfits?

February 21, 2008


This blog is especially for our cousin Mary Bush. She got this outfit for Oden by herself. It was really special to us so we wanted to share it with everyone. It fits him perfectly right now so we are trying to let him wear it as much as possible before he grows out of it. This is the first collared shirt he's ever worn! So cute! THANK YOU MARY! We heart you!

February 17, 2008

OUR CUTIE PIE, 7 weeks old :)

Here's some more pictures for all of you Oden addicts. Hopefully this will satisfy your fix. j/k He's 7 weeks old today!!! The picture on top shows him in the Pumas that Kevin bought for him. They fit him perfectly right now so we're trying to let him wear them as much as possible. He is growing out of everything so fast. The second and third pics are of him and the onesie that Heather made. In case you can't see, the front reads "Hello my name is Oden Joseph" and on the back there's caution tape across the butt. It's so cute! Can you see him lifting his head too? He's getting so strong. The last pic is of my favorite onesie so far, STUD MUFFIN! I think I added about 100 pictures to my library this past week. He has become so photogenic.

Other then pictures, there is not much to share. He did have 2 diaper messes this past week. You know, the ones that get all over you and his clothes! Those were fun! I think we were using cheap diapers (Pampers). We switched to Huggies and they seem to fit his bottom better. I added prune baby food to a couple of his bottles this week because he was having trouble pooping. It definately helps and he loves it! He tends to get mad at me if I pull those bottles away to burp him.

I hope that everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day. :)

February 11, 2008

From the weekend

Busy, busy, and busy! That's the best way to describe our schedule lately. It's crazy, but in a good way most of the time. We were able to fit in lots of family visits this weekend. The top picture is from bathtime. As you can tell the #1 diapers are still a bit large on him. We had to go up a size because the newborn diapers were getting snug. Friday night I worked in the morning so I had the night off. My mom and brothers came over for a visit. Marshall ended up spending the night and he had lots of fun posing and playing with Oden. He even fed him a whole bottle by himself! This was a first! It was very cute (that's the last picture). Then Saturday was busy. We took our first shopping trip as a family. We went to Kohl's to exchange a couple of outfits for bigger sizes. It was very stressful! He satrted fussing the minute we got in the baby section. Needless to say it was a very short trip. From there were went to Grandpa Joe and Grandma Lauras house. Jess and I took some great pictures of the family with Oden. The 3rd and 4th pictures are the best ones we have of Olivia and Alex to date. We took a lot more, but I can only post so many on the blogspot :) It was nice visiting and dinner was delicious. Then we went to Grandma Kitty and Grandpa Mike's house. It was card night. My family gets together ocassionally to play 31. This time we played another game called "LRC" I think that's what it's called. Anyways, that was a lot of fun. The picture of Heather and Oden (#2) is another one of my favorites. We also took lots of pictures that night. It was a fun day overall. We got home kind of late, but it was worth it. Sunday we kind of layed low. I worked all night so we didn't do much then either. Jess and Oden got some quality daddy/son time though! He's starting to fuss so for now...BYE!

February 7, 2008

New pictures

Howdy Everybody! I don't have much new news for you. He has been VERY crabby these last two days and we're not sure why. Mommy is the only one who can make him feel better. Today I had to come home from work early because Jess said he cried for 3 hours straight. Other then that, he is growing so much! He is so long and his little cheeks are getting chubby! His next doctor appointment is early March so I can't wait to see exactly how much he's grown. Grandma Dee Dee and Nicole came over to babysit this weekend. I love the picture above of Nicole and Oden. Aren't they so sweet? Enjoy the pics!